Identify and interpret fields and derived products
Marie Doutriaux-Boucher presents the Multi-Sensor Precipitation Estimate (MPE) product from EUMETSAT.
Length: 30 min
Author: Marie Doutriaux-Boucher (EUMETSAT)
Since 2004, EUMETSAT is deriving the Multi-Sensor Precipitation Estimate (MPE) product operationally. The MPE product retrieval is based on a blending technique that uses microwave information from SSMI-S instrument onboard DMSP-F16 polar satellite and infrared information from the Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infra Red Imager (SEVIRI) instrument onboard MSG geostationary satellites. It consists of a rain rate given every 15 minutes at MSG pixel resolution (3x3km2). Although the retrieval is not a state-of-the-art technique, the product has proven to be quite robust and valuable for deep convective precipitation detection. This presentation will present the MPE product and show some example of potential improvements for future SEVIRI precipitation product.
Jan Fokke Meirink speaks about the algorithms developed for the retrieval of daytime cloud physical properties from MSG-SEVIRI.
Author: Jan Fokke Meirink (KNMI)
Within the CM SAF we have developed an algorithm for the retrieval of daytime cloud physical properties from MSG-SEVIRI. This algorithm and the retrieval products will be described. Furthermore applications will be discussed with a focus on convection.
Matteo Picciani presents the recent upgrades and future developments of the H-SAF products for the monitoring of convective precipitation.
Length: 30 min
Author: Matteo Picchiani (CNMCA)
In the presentation the recent upgrades and future developments of the H-SAF products for the monitoring of convective precipitation will be highlighted. The application of a new version of NEFODINA, a tool developed by CNMCA for the detection of convective systems, will be introduced and different improvements such as the application of a calibration formula and the release of new products versions, developed for monitoring the MSG SEVIRI full disk area, will be shown.
In this module the basics and advantages of Nowcasting are explained.
In this module the basics of Nowcasting in the forecast room are explained. Its practical use in the weather room is explained with a series of examples.
The second part deals with explanation and testing of Nowcasting for various situations such as convective events, frontal situations or Fog. By adding more source-material a student is taught how to improve his Nowcasting skills.
The training module aims at giving an overall view on the use of satellite data, particularly that provided by Meteorological satellites, for monitoring vegetation cover and properties.
The distribution of vegetation, its properties and state, is of major importance for a wide range of applications, namely; environmental management, natural Hazards monitoring, agriculture and forestry, climate change studies and numerical weather forecast models.
Changes in the landcover either caused by changes in land use, climate change or natural hazards (like forest fires or droughts, for instance) may have a huge social and economic impact. An example of this was the severe drought that stroke Eastern Africa in 2009, causing crops to shrink and threatening millions of people with starvation.
This module provides a guideline on how to assess the threat of volcanic ash. Therefore several tools based on satellite data can be consulted. Prominent examples are the Ash RGB or the use of IASI data.
Extreme weather conditions such the presence of volcanic ash can put aircraft navigation into major difficulties. If an aircraft encounters volcanic ash the navigation gets extremely challenging. Between 1975 and 1994 more than 80 jet airplanes were damaged due to unplanned encounters with clouds of volcanic ash. Seven of these encounters caused in-flight loss of jet engine power, putting the passengers lives at severe risk. Therefore the correct assessment of the weather conditions is essential to ensure save flight conditions. This training module is dedicated to forecasters/aviation forecasters. The main intention is to provide a guideline on how to assess the potential of hazardous weather events such as volcanic ash. For this purpose several tools based on satellite data can be consulted.
Davide Melfi presents the H-SAF precipitation products.
Length: 24 minutes.
The EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility in Support to Operational Hydrology and Water Management (HSAF) generates and archives high quality products for operational hydrological applications. HSAF focuses on geophysical products of precipitation, soil moisture and snow parameters and the exploitation of these datasets to mitigate hazards and natural disasters such as flash floods, forest fires and landslides, and to monitor drought conditions, improving water resources management.
HSAF promotes the systematic and periodic products review with the continuous refinement of algorithms, validating results during calibration campaign, implementing operational driven procedures and services monitoring accordingly user requirement.
The current status of the Precipitation Cluster and the challenges for the future, looking at MTG and EPS-SG in particular, are presented.
José Lahuerta presents the NWCSAF products Convective Rainfall Rate (CRR) and CRR from cloud physical properties.
Length: 27 minutes.
The Convective Rainfall Rate (CRR) and the Convective Rainfall Rate from Cloud Physical Properties (CRR-Ph) products are satellite derived rainfall products based on the MSG/SEVIRI channels and cloud top microphysical properties respectively. Both rainfall products have been developed within the NWC SAF context to provide with instantaneous rain rates and hourly accumulations associated to convective episodes. Last version of the NWCSAF software package includes a new version of the CRR-Ph for nigh time. CRR and CRR-Ph behaviour will be texted in different convective events.
Jean-Marc Moisselin presents the most recent developments of the NWCSAF convection products.
Length: 30 minutes.
Météo-France develops and contiuously upgrades CI (Convection Initiation) and RDT (Rapidly Developing Thunderstorm) products. Both have been developed in the framework of NWCSAF.
CI is a pixel-based product that provides the probability for a pixel to develop in thunderstorm. The last delivery, v2018, has reached the "pre-operational" status in Eumetsat sense thanks to new developments (e.g. use of microphysics), tuning and validation effort. RDT is an object-based product that aims to detect, track, characterize and forecast the convective cells. Version v2018, includes new features like lightning jumps detection and is highly flexible and configurable. Status is "operational". RDT is very useful for aviation end users.
Miguel Martinez presents the new NWCSAF products iSHAI and PGE00.
Length: 26 minutes.
iSHAI (imaging Satellite Humidity and Instability) is the clear air product of the NWCSAF/GEO software that allows the monitoring in clear pixels of several key ingredients in convection; in addition, it allows to identify the regions where the numerical models used as input do not agree with the observation of the satellite. In version 2018, iSHAI has been adapted to Himawari satellites and it is being adapted for GOES-R class satellites.
PGE00 is an AEMET complementary tool that performs first the vertical, temporal and spatial interpolation (4D interpolation) of the profiles from NWP to the projection and time of the satellite images; allowing to generate for all the pixels the same fields that iSHAI. Second, PGE00 can be used to generate synthetic satellite images using RTTOV-12.1 in clear and cloudy conditions with a high degree of realism using the ECMWF model at hybrid levels. In addition to the comparison with real satellite images, synthetic images can be used to generate new developments and for preparation of MTG era through the generation synthetic MTG-FCI and MTG-IRS images.
The NWCSAF products and services for the future MTG-IRS will be also briefly presented.
The lecture dels with the characteristics of satellites carrying instruments for measuring winds and with the logic behind the calculations of winds using satellites.
Length: 51 min
Author: Ad Stoffelen (KNMI)
The lecture deals with modelled winds and winds derived from instruments onboard satellites like Metop-A and Metop-B in low orbits around the Earth (polar orbits). Today's models are evolving at a rate that is faster than the increase of density of observations and that presents a problem for forecasts. Here stands the question 'Will meteorology continue to develop and improve?'. The lack of observed data is thus filled with the data from satellites, although this data also has its own constraints due to the way it is derived. In the lecture the characteristics of the satellites carrying instruments for measuring winds and waves will be explained and the logic behind the calculations of winds using satellites will be discussed.
David Fairbairn presents examples of downloading, converting the format to regular netCDF files and visualizing the data in Python.
Length: 19 minutes.
H-SAF root-zone soil moisture products are freely available online. They are currently stored in daily files on a reduced Gaussian grid in GRIB binary format, which increases storage efficiency. Examples of downloading, converting the format to regular netCDF files and visualizing the data in Python are presented. The new metview-python package is also introduced, allowing direct applications in GRIB format.