

Federico Fierli shows how to use satellite imagery for observing aerosol.


Aerosol particles are a key component of weather and climate atmospheric system. Satellite offer the unique advantage to provide a global view with a long-term continuity. We will explore the methods to retrieve aerosol burden with the associated uncertainties for several cases as dust plumes and wildfire emissions. The presentation addresses the data chain from retrieval using different orbital geometries, spectral regions and geophysical products to advanced products as Climate Data Records to the assimilation process.

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Johan Strandgren talks about the FCI True Colour Imagery.


The Flexible Combined Imager (FCI) on-board MTG-i1 introduces a unique capability: generating geostationary true colour imagery over Europe and Africa. This is typically achieved by combining data from three channels centred at red, green and blue wavelengths. However, FCI's green channel (0.51 microns) partially misses the spectral reflectance peak of chlorophyll around 0.55 microns, leading to inaccurate depiction of vegetation and barren surfaces. To address this limitation, a novel green band correction technique using the normalized difference vegetation index has been developed and utilized for the first release of true colour images from FCI. The new FCI true colour composite is also the corner stone for the ongoing development of the FCI GeoColor RGB composite. This composite incorporates the elements from the ABI GeoColor composite, by blending true colour imagery with night-time infrared imagery and city lights, as well as other relevant features such as wildfires and LI lightning events.

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Martin Setvak demonstrates comparison between new FCI data with MSG and VIIRS, focusing on convective storms.



The presentation will address preliminary comparison of the MTG-I1 FCI imagery (based on FCI commissioning data) with MSG SEVIRI and NPP/JPSS VIIRS data, with focus on convective storms.


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Jochen Grandell talks about what MTG is, comissioning of satellite system, schedule for data product releases and more.


Meteosat Third Generation is a system consisting of 4 MTG-I and 2 MTG-S satellites. This presentation provides on outlook into what MTG is, what commissioning of a satellite system means, the schedule for data product releases, and how MTG-I and MTG-S eventually will work together.

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Cloud Phase RGB is a new product for European users of GEO satellite data, which can be constructed using data from the Flexible Combined Imager (FCI) on the Meteosat Third Generation (MTG) satellite system. The aim of this RGB is to provide improved microphysical information on cloud tops, in particular discrimination between thick water clouds and thick ice clouds, and cloud top particle size.


This extended guide is about the Cloud Phase RGB, a new product for European users of GEO satellite data, which can be constructed using data from the Flexible Combined Imager (FCI) on the Meteosat Third Generation (MTG) satellite system. It uses one of the new FCI channels, not available with the SEVIRI instrument. This document is an extended guide discussing its characteristics in detail; a quick guide is also available on the EUMeTrain webpage. In this guide, the imagers of Japanese and American geostationary satellites (Himawari/AHI and GOES/ABI) and polar satellites (NPP and NOAA-20/VIIRS) are used to provide proxy data for the FCI.


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Identify and locate features indicating regions of possible turbulence.


This module teaches you how to use satellite data to observe and analyze atmospheric phenomena. It will show you which products can be used to identify dust storms, smoke, fires, precipitation, etc.

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Identify and locate aerosols and particulate pollution.


This module teaches you how to use satellite data to observe and analyze atmospheric phenomena. It will show you which products can be used to identify dust storms, smoke, fires, precipitation, etc.

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Identify and locate moisture features, precipitation types and amounts.


This module teaches you how to use satellite data to observe and analyze atmospheric phenomena. It will show you which products can be used to identify dust storms, smoke, fires, precipitation, etc.

 To access the resource click here.

Note: all resources are provided as an external link which redirects you to where you will need to create a user account in order to gain access to the course


Identify and locate dust and sand storms and plumes and areas of raised dust.


This module teaches you how to use satellite data to observe and analyze atmospheric phenomena. It will show you which products can be used to identify dust storms, smoke, fires, precipitation, etc.

To access the resource click here.

Note: all resources are provided as an external link which redirects you to where you will need to create a user account in order to gain access to the course


 Identify clouds made of water droplets, ice particles or a mixture and discriminate between clouds with small or large cloud particles.


In this part of the course you will not only learn more about the identification of clouds such as Stratus, Cumulus and Cirrus from satellite images, and you will also discover various methods to derive cloud height information. Microphysical properties of clouds like cloud phase and cloud particle size are also addressed.

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Deduce cloud top heights based on brightness temperatures, surface observations and sounding data.


In this part of the course you will not only learn more about the identification of clouds such as Stratus, Cumulus and Cirrus from satellite images, and you will also discover various methods to derive cloud height information. Microphysical properties of clouds like cloud phase and cloud particle size are also addressed.

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Note: all resources are provided as an external link which redirects you to where you will need to create a user account in order to gain access to the course


Identify contrails and ship trails.


In this part of the course you will not only learn more about the identification of clouds such as Stratus, Cumulus and Cirrus from satellite images, and you will also discover various methods to derive cloud height information. Microphysical properties of clouds like cloud phase and cloud particle size are also addressed.

To access the resource click here.

Note: all resources are provided as an external link which redirects you to where you will need to create a user account in order to gain access to the course