Understand NWP outputs


Roland Winkler talks about rules and regulations that are in place at airports to provide passenger security in harsh winter weather.


The weather still has a major impact on aviation today. Weather forecasts in aviation not only support safety, but also provide important input on the subject of economical air traffic. As part of this presentation, I would like to give a rough overview of how air traffic works in the cold season. I will speak about de- and anti-icing of aircraft and the snow removal in the airside area. Finally, I will show which meteorological products are created to support safe and economical air traffic.

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In this presentation Tomaš Pučik and Christoph Gatzen explore different regimes under which ingredients come together and create marginal CAPE setups typical of winter


Forecasting deep-moist convection and lightning in winter is challenging, partly because it occurs outside the typical season and partly because it forms in the environments characterized by marginal buoyancy. Despite weak CAPE, winter time convective storms often pose a considerable severe weather risk given their frequent collocation with strong vertical wind shear. In this presentation we explore different regimes under which ingredients come together and create marginal CAPE setups typical of winter. These include synoptically strongly-forced situations, elevated storms and the lake-effect over the European seas.

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