Occlusion: Warm Conveyor Belt Type


A WCB Occlusion is accompanied by a distinct cloud spiral; clouds of all three frontal parts CF, WF and WCB Occlusion are multilayered.


The Warm Conveyor Belt is a rising relative stream transporting warm wet air from south-east to northern directions. It is strongly involved in the processes and cloud development connected with fronts. A Warm Conveyor Belt is defined as a layer of air which: originates in a relative easterly to south-easterly flow within the lower levels of the troposphere in the ridge area ahead of the front; generally ascends pole ward forming # cloudiness due to the condensation of moist air; after turning to south-eastward directions ascending motion changes to descending motion, where cloud dissolution takes place. Warm Conveyor Belts are directly involved in the frontal processes, but typical cloud configurations can also be observed separately from the frontal cloudiness.

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