Convergence lines over Sea and Lakes in Denmark and Sweden: 10 November 2007


Case Study on what happens when dry and cold air is transported over warmer seawater and moisture is picked up.


This a new example of the Conceptual Model, Convergence Lines over Seas and Lakes, is about a cloudstreet, developing into a well pronounced convergence line over the Sont, the narrow strait between Denmark and the southwest coast of Sweden. The evolution downstream over the west part of the Baltic Sea into the northwest part of Poland is studied as well. Coastal Convergence Lines, the other CM about developing convective clouds in cold air advection over warmer seawater, has a great similarity to convergence lines over sea and lakes. - Cloud streets, developed over sea, may intensify over land at a much larger distance from the coastline into an active squall line with embedded TS. An example of this side effect is presented as well.

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