Meteosat Solar Channels


This one hour lecture, held by Jose Prieto, is covering topic of solar satellite channels, mostly from SEVIRI instrument on board MSG.


This one hour lecture, held by Jose Prieto, is covering topic of solar satellite channels, mostly from SEVIRI instrument on board MSG. Of all twelve channels form SEVIRI these are the first four, with central wavelengths of 0.3-1.1; 0.6; 0.8 and 1.6 µm, respectively. First one is a high resolution broad band, second two are narrow band and the fourth one is a microphysics channel. There is significant correlation between channels 0.6 and 0.8 µm, where channel 1.6 µm is somewhat different from them. Also small correlation between solar and other thermal channels is discussed.

Some of the topics that are covered in this lecture are; Solar channels characteristics, Vegetation monitoring, Cloud phase and particle size, Sun glint occurrence and Aerosols. Questions like How to discern clouds from forest, how to find ice on planet Earth, how to avoid squinting on satellite images or escape the smoke of a fire are discussed and answered within all this topics.

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