Entering the GPM constellation and Megha-Tropiques era


Remi Roca explains the functioning of the retrievals and emphases on the characterization of the errors and uncertainties associated with the satellite products.

Length: 30 min

Author: Remi Roca (OMP / LEGOS)


In this lecture, I will focus on the rainfall in the tropical regions and I will present the multi-platforms precipitation products that are available. I will explain the functioning of the retrievals and will put the emphasis on the characterization of the errors and uncertainties associated with the satellite products. Time will be devoted to the introduction of the passive microwave Global Precipitation Measurements constellation with emphasis on the Megha-Tropiques mission. An effort will be made to showcase what the end user can expect from the products developed in many centers worldwide with examples from various validation campaigns. I will end the lecture with a brief presentation of the activity and available resources of the International Precipitation Working Group from WMO/CGMS.


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