Small scale variability of Water Vapor in the Atmosphere


Xavier Calbet (AEMET) presents his work on water vapour variability in the atmosphere and the effect of the variability on the water vapour fields in its vicinity.


Water vapor at small scales (< 6 km) behaves, on average, in an stochastic way. This behavior can be described by simple stochastic models (Gaussian Random Fields). Knowing the variability (or turbulence) of water vapor in a location, mainly via measurements, we can infer the statistical characteristics of water vapor fields in its vicinity. This model will help us in: determining whether water vapor measurements from satellites can be more or less biased, integrate different water vapor measurements coming from differing spatial scales together in a coherent way, estimate the turbulence that is potentially present in the atmosphere. Direct consequences of this concept regarding Nowcasting still need to be explored in the future.


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