Hydrology & water management

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Christian Massari shows that model recalibration or bias correction even with a few rain gauges can provide boost hydrological model performance and thus make satellite rainfall data a valid solution to obtain discharge.

Length: 41 minutes.


Flood modelling over data scarce regions is challenging. Satellite rainfall data offer a viable tool to force hydrological models and provide discharge prediction at ungauged sites. However, being an indirect type of measurements, satellite rainfall observations can be subjected to significant bias and might be suboptimal over mountainous terrain. Here we show that model recalibration or bias correction even with a few rain gauges can provide boost hydrological model performance and thus make satellite rainfall data a valid solution to obtain discharge. In the presentation we will describe the theoretical background for using satellite rainfall products in flood prediction and provide some tips to enhance their performance in riverine flood modelling.

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Giulia Panegrossi presents the challenges and recent advancements in satellite-based snowfall quantification and global monitoring. 

Length: 37 minutes


Snow plays an important role in the Earth energy exchange processes, and is a fundamental element of the water cycle. The use of satellites for snowfall monitoring and quantification and for retrieving snow cover properties and variability is necessary to globally quantify water resources. Satellite-based snowfall detection and surface snowfall rate estimation are becoming an increasingly popular topic within both the hydrological scientific community and operational services. Recent studies have evidenced how space borne multi-channel microwave (MW) radiometer measurements respond to both snowfall and snow cover properties. In this presentation the challenges and recent advancements in satellite-based snowfall quantification and global monitoring will be discussed, and the retrieval strategies that are being adopted within the EUMETSAT H SAF to improve detection and quantification of snowfall, with particular focus on higher latitudes, will be presented.

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