Storms of the 15th August 2010


The storms, which occurred on August 15th 2010 in parts of central and eastern Europe, were interesting from many aspects, some of which are described briefly in this case study.


The storms, which occurred on August 15th 2010 in parts of central and eastern Europe, were interesting from many aspects, some of which are described in this case study. Given the highly variable appearance and characteristics of these storms the need existed to further examine in detail and to use the case for testing of various convection-related algorithms.
This case initially attracted our attention because of the severe hailstorm in Prague in the early evening, which caused an estimated 180 million EUR damage to property in less than one hour. This alone would not be a reason for focusing on this case; the main reason was the appearance of this storm\'s cloud top. From the MSG satellite perspective the storm could have easily been overlooked due to its relatively warm cloud top and small size, as seen in the Meteosat 8 IR10.8 BT image below.

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