Automated in situ measurement of solid precipitation and snow cover: Lessons learned during WMO-SPICE and beyond
Craig D. Smith talks about automated observations of solid precipitation and snow cover that are still one of the most difficult meteorological measurements to make with any known level of uncertainty.
Automated observations of solid precipitation and snow cover are still one of the most difficult meteorological measurements to make with any known level of uncertainty. Many recommendations on best practices for measuring solid precipitation and snow cover emerged during and following the international Solid Precipitation Inter-Comparison Experiment (SPICE), including the development and application of transfer functions for adjusting precipitation gauge under-catch and techniques for minimizing errors in automated snow depth measurements. Following SPICE, work has continued on assessing and utilizing emerging technologies, such as optical and radar based present weather detectors, for improving the in situ measurement of solid precipitation. Furthermore, more effort is required to facilitate the transfer of techniques and best practices from research to application in operational networks.