Weather Alarm DWD


Presentation during the event week on Warning in October 2010. 


Presentation developed by Guido Wolz, Rolf Ullrich, Bernhard Reichert and Wilfried Jacobs on the warning system at Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD). The issue of weather warnings by DWD is a task according to law. Especially if weather situations can cause danger for persons and material.

The warning management is split in 3 parts: Early warning in which information as possibility (very likely, likely possible) of significant weather situations on a national scale (250-700 km) from 2 day to one week. Pre-warnings in which severe weather situations on a regional scale (50-250 km) from 1 to 2 days is expected. Finally, rural district warnings where concrete warnings are issued for one or more rural district with a preliminary lead time; if necessary with differentiation of height levels.

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