Beatriz Martinez shows how climate data records analysis can be used to monitor drought affected areas.
Anke Duguay-Tetzlaff and Vincent Humphrey present about the recent Swiss drought monitoring project and use of EUMETSAT satellite data for drought…
Panagiotis Sismanidis provides insight into urban heat islands including its drivers and impacts.
Luca Brocca shows how to combine multiple satellite derived variables to monitor drought.
David Fairbairn talks about soil moisture and drought monitoring and using H SAF datasets.
Hayley Evers-King talks about marine heatwaves and using Jupyter Notebooks for satellite data processing and visulization.
João Martins talks about using Land Surface Temperature (LST) in heatwave monitoring using LSA SAF datasets.
Sofia Ermida showcases the use of Google Earth Engine in Heatwaves and Drought monitoring