Reima Eresmaa (FMI): The use of satellite data in limited-area NWP models of MetCoOp


Reima Eresmaa presents how satellite data helps in numerical weather prediction systems to support meteorological applications in Finland and surrounding countries.


MetCoOp is a group devoted to developing and operating rapidly-updating kilometric-scale Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) systems to support meteorological applications in Finland, Scandinavia and Baltic countries. There are currently two operational NWP systems: The MetCoOp Ensemble Prediction System (MEPS) and the MetCoOp Nowcasting System (MNWC). Forecasts are provided in a limited-area grid in 2.5 km horizontal resolution and on 65 levels.

MetCoOp NWP systems assimilate a variety of satellite-based data provided by polar orbiters of NOAA, EUMETSAT, and CMA. In particular, extensive use is made of radiance measurements in microwave and infrared wavelengths. Via three-dimensional variational data assimilation, such observations help constrain the NWP model state at the initial time of each forecast. The radiance observations provide information on temperature and humidity at different altitudes.


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