Cumulonimbus (Cb) and Mesoscale Convective System (Mesoscale Convective System)


Cb Clusters consist of a cluster of thicker and larger cloud cells within the usual cold air cloudiness behind fronts. It differs from ECs by a looser structure and different cell sizes.


This chapter contains information about Cb and Mesoscale Convective System at small and mesoscale size. Additionally there exist another chapter (CONVECTIVE CLOUD FEATURES IN TYPICAL SYNOPTIC ENVIRONMENTS) which addresses larger scale features. Cbs and Mesoscale Convective Systems form in strong convective processes. The life time and intensity of a Cb and Mesoscale Convective System depend upon the vertical wind shear. Most important is the shear in the lowest layer reaching from the surface up to 2-3 km. Cells developing within strong vertical shear have long lifetime and produce severe weather.

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