Quick Guides


Quick Guides are made in order to help the users of satellite products (in this case Sandwich products and RGBs) to get essential information for use in daily shift work. A Quick Guide consists of two pages; the first page (fig. 1a) is a short description of the aim of this product, of its benefits and limitations and the physical background. The second page (fig. 1b) contains examples of images and the interpretations of the characteristic colour and/or the cloud top features showing in the product.

All the quick guides currently developed by EUMeTrain are available on this page. Also, at the end of the page there are examples of RGB Quick Guides from NASA SPORT.

Example of a Quick Guide


Figure 1a & 1b: Appearance of a Quick Guide (in this case Ash RGB Quick GUide)


Quick Guides on SEVIRI composite images

Sandwich Product
RGB Quick Guide - Snow
SnowRGB.pdf611.06 KB
RGB Quick Guide - Natural Colo…
RGB Quick Guide - Airmass
RGB Quick Guide - Dust
RGB Quick Guide - Day Microphy…
RGB Quick Guide - 24 Hour Micr…
RGB Quick Guide - Severe Storm…
RGB Quick Guide - Night Micro
RGB Quick Guide - HRV Fog
RGB Quick Guide - HRV Clouds
RGB Quick Guide - Ash

Quick Guides on composite images of other satellite imagers

Quick Guides on single channels of other satellite imagers

Quick Guide - 0.44 μm Channel
VIS04QG.pdf672.49 KB
Quick Guide - 0.51 μm Channel
VIS05QG.pdf794.56 KB
Quick Guide - 2.25 μm Channel
Quick Guide - 1.37 μm Channel

RGB Quick Guides by NASA Sport

RGB Quick Guide - Fire Tempera…
RGB Quick Guide - Natural Colo…
RGB Quick Guide - True Color
RGB Quick Guide - Daytime Micr…
RGB Quick Guide - 24 Hour Micr…
RGB Quick Guide - Dust
RGB Quick Guide - Air Mass
RGB Quick Guide - Nighttime Mi…
RGB Quick Guide - Daytime Conv…