Identify and interpret broad scale, synoptic and mesoscale systems


Lecture on unusual cyclogenesis taking place in the Mediterranean basin on 7 and 8 November 2011.


This case study took place in Mediterranean basin from 7th to 8th November 2011, with some interesting weather phenomena occurred there. It is shown that the sequential cloudiness type bands were; not organized convective system in the first step, then Comma feature in the next step, deep convection and finally occlusion. Because of confusing weather features connected to it, this weather phenomenon can not be classified as Tropical Cyclone nor as Rapid Cyclogenesis. The case is treated only from a synoptic point of view, using Meteosat-9 satellite images and ECMWF numerical fields from ePort web site and other graphical elaborations with Metview.

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Recorded powerpoint explaining what conceptual models and why we use them throughout.


A ten minute recorded powerpoint including audio and explaining you on what conceptual models are and why we use them in many of the training resources of EUMeTrain. The powerpoint also shows examples from Sat Manu and provides you the basis to go to and learn this technique in more details.

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This case study a pronounced frontal system over west and central Europe causing strong precipitation.


Pronounced frontal system over West and Central Europe, causing strong precipitation. All associated Conceptual Models and the development of a Back Bent Occlusion are addressed in detail.

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This case study treats a dominating cold front over Western Europe.


This case study shows a dominating cold front over Western Europe. Special attention is drawn to the substructures within the frontal cloud band associated with the jet streak: Front Intensification and Wave.

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This case study shows an extended long frontal cloud band west of Europe consisting of cold front in cold advection and cold front in warm advection is diagnosed.


This case study shows an extended long frontal cloud band west of Europe consisting of cold front in cold advection and cold front in warm advection is diagnosed. Frontal substructures and a succeeding rapid cyclogenesis over the Atlantic are analysed.

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This case study shows a cold front with a distinct wave over France and a special investigation about a rapid cyclogenesis over the northern Atlantic.


This case study shows a cold front with a distinct wave over France and a special investigation about a rapid cyclogenesis over the northern Atlantic.

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This case study shows a pronounced frontal system over the Atlantic and western Europe.


This case study shows a huge frontal system over the Atlantic and western Europe. A rapid cyclogenesis is associated with this system but deviating from the initial CM.

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This case study treats a cold front containing strong convective activity over Western Europe.


This case study shows a cold front containing strong convective activity over western Europe. The development and life cycle of the convective cloud features are examined in detail.

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Flood catastrophe in Central and Eastern Europe due to an Upper Level Low.


Flood catastrophe in Central and Eastern Europe due to an Upper Level Low. Convective precipitation and barrage effects lead to extraordinary precipitation events.

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This case study treats a convergence cloud band in front of a cold front over central and eastern Europe.


This case study shows numerous cloud bands from west to central and eastern Europe are described. Special attention is drawn to the convergence cloud band in front of a cold front over central and eastern Europe, containing pronounced convective cloud features.

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This case study treats the delay in rapid cyclogenesis over the Atlantic through the development of an upper level low.


This case study shows a delay in rapid cyclogenesis over the Atlantic through the development of an upper level low. Analysis of cloud features for separation of two CMs acting together.

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This case study treats prefrontal convection over western Europe and France. Numerous CB clusters and a dominating MCS are described.


This case study shows prefrontal convection over western Europe and France. Numerous CB clusters and a dominating MCS are described.

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