Springtime weather at Riga airport

Aviation simulator - New! The months of April and May are the months were in Baltic countries there can be quite a variety of weather. Late snow and blizzards or some heavy precipitation due to fronts or low pressure areas can all be observed. Wind gusts from 20 to 25 m/s and convection, as well as thunderstorms with severe wind gusts and hail can also be observed. Turbulence, icing and low clouds are phenomena that are difficult to forecast for aviation. Also, these phenomena can be hazardous, causing difficulties for airports and can in general cause damage to property. It is very important for the aviation forecasters to issue warnings as soon as possible so the clients can take immediate actions.
The simulator will enable you to forecast as an aviation forecaster in the Baltic Region. There will be more than one significant phenomena. You will have 5 tasks during the simulator and they will appear in the task section according to the time. You will have to write TAFs, Warnings, SIGMETs and give TRENDs by using TafEditor during your shift.