
This catastrophic case describes the development of a Mesoscale Convective System starting in the Mid-Adriatic Sea and moving towards Bosnia and Herzegovina…

Case Study

This case study a polar low affected north-western Europe between the 27th and 29th of January 2004.

Case Study

The Cyclonic development of a Genoa low with associated with strong Bora winds is studied. During the development process the system also interacts with a…

Case Study

This case study addresses the unusual and rapid development of a small scale cold air feature into a synoptic scale frontal system.

Case Study

A frontal cloud is being studied which moves over central Europe and is enhanced due to jet intensifications in the left exit region.

Case Study

This case study is about an unusual development of a super cell over the North Sea that is embedded in a warm frontal Wave.

Case Study

Under influence of frontogenesis the development of two waves within a frontal system is being studied.

Case Study

The case study describes two events of convection that occurred over Ukraine on 9th and 10th July 2004. Consequently heavy rain and rail were observed.

Case Study