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Concept and Goal

Several times a year EUMeTrain organises event weeks. During such weeks a series of online lectures are presented and experts inform you on new applications of meteorological satellite data on a specific theme.

The event weeks aim to be a platform for exchange of experience and expertise between the various groups working with meteorological data.

The lectures are broadcasted with a software called Webex. This is a web conferencing and online learning environment that combines a highly interactive virtual training classroom. All lectures are also recorded and available for playback offline.

Event Weeks

EUMeTrain organised an event week on Soil Moisture products of H-SAF from 4th to 8th November 2019. During this week we focused on topics such as demonstration of H-SAF Soil Moisture…

At the end of May 2019 from 20th to 24th, EUMeTrain organised an Event Week on convection. Shortly before the main convective season started, this event focused on topics like thunderstorms…

From 3 to 7 December 2018 EUMeTrain was running an event week on Aviation Meteorology. During this week we focused on topics which are relevant for aviation meteorology. Among others turbulence, fog,…

From 5 to 9 November 2018 EUMeTrain was running an event week on Marine Meteorology. This event targeted forecasters and interested users in Marine Meteorology. The online presentations…

From 11 to 15 December 2017 EUMeTrain was running an event week on Warnings. The event week was split into two main topics: 'Effective Warning Methods' and 'Communicating Warnings…

From 7 to 11 November 2016 EUMeTrain was running an event week on MTG-Imager satellite. During this week the FCI and Lightning Imager (LI) instruments on-board the MTG-I were presented. The new channels on…

From 11 to 15 April 2016 EUMeTrain was organising an event week with topics related to environmental meteorology. The focus has been on measurements of atmospheric constituents such as aerosols, dust and…

From 23 to 27 November 2015 EUMeTrain was running an event week on satellite derived precipitation. During this week the principles of precipitation measurements were be presented together with available…

From 8th to 12th June 2015 EUMeTrain organized an event week on convection. During this week recent remote sensing developements in the area of forecasting and/or analysing convective weather situations…

EUMeTrain organised an event week with presentation related to "Droughts, Floods and Land Slides" from 1st to 5th December 2014. During this event week, an overview on large scale weather regimes causing…

EUMeTrain organised an event week with presentations related to "High Imact Weather" from 8th to 12th September 2014. During this event week, experts from European, American and Near-East National Weather…

EUMeTrain organised an event week on products of the NWC-SAF from 18th to 21st November 2013. There were 8 sessions starting on Monday morning. The presentations comprised nowcasting products based on MSG…