Level 3 passive microwave-based precipitation products and algorithm description


Leo Pio D'Adderio presents two precipitation products based on passive microwave radiometry.

Length: 28 minutes


Passive microwave (PMW) radiometry is recognized as the most suitable for global precipitation monitoring and quantification. The H SAF precipitation products portfolio is being extended to provide Level 3 (gridded) PMW-based precipitation products to facilitate and promote the use of MW-based products for several applications. One of these products (labelled as P-IN-PWM, or H68) provides instantaneous precipitation rate estimates, based on calibrated and merged PMW Level 2 instantaneous precipitation rate products. H68 provides precipitation rate estimates every half hour, on a regular grid at 0.25°x0.25° resolution over the extended H SAF area (LAT 60°S – 75°N, LON 60°W – 60°E). The calibration is based on the precipitation estimates provided by the NASA Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) DPR-GMI (Dual-frequency Radar and GPM Microwave Imager) combined product (2B-CMB). The H68 algorithm mainly consists of three modules (i.e. remapping module, adjustment module and merging module) that will be described. The other Level 3 PMW-based product that will be presented is P-DM-PMW (or H67), which provides as main output a 24 h mean precipitation rate based on the H68 product outputs. H67 provides data at the same spatial resolution as H68 at 00, 06, 12 and 18 UTC of each day for the previous 24 hours. Examples of H68 and H67 product outputs and applications will be provided.

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