Meteosat 8 RGB Composite - Day Microphysical Summer (VIS0.8; IR3.9r; IR10.8)

26 May 2006, 0900 UTC

This RGB composite, so-called "Day Microphysical", enables better recognition of convection, fog, snow and even forest fires.
In this chapter "Day Microphysical Summer" composite is used to reveal the stratification of the multi-layer clouds. This composite gives the information about cloud thickness and the amount of cloud water and ice, provided by the visible reflectance at 0.8 µm (in red colour), cloud particle size and phase, approximated by the 3.9 µm solar reflectance component (in green) and temperature, provided by the 10.8 µm channel (in blue).
Interpretation of the colours for high, mid and low-level clouds can be found in “MSG Interpretation guide”, RGB part 04 or for faster information you can click on RGB keys in the title.

The reddish colours over western and eastern Turkey indicate ice particles at the top of the cloud. The dark green and yellowish cloudiness on the east side of the cloud band shows mid-level supercooled water cloud with small and large droplets.