Marco Petracca talks about the validation of H-SAF precipitation products.
Length: 31 minutes
Davide Melfi presents a method that blends GEO and LEO precipitation products.
Length: 19 minutes
Simone Gabellani presents a merging approach of rain gauge data with remote precipitation retrieval to improve flood modelling.
Christian Massari shows that model recalibration or bias correction even with a few rain gauges can provide boost hydrological model performance and…
Giulia Panegrossi presents the challenges and recent advancements in satellite-based snowfall quantification and global monitoring.
Luca Ciabatta describes the theoretical background and some examples for using satellite rainfall data for landslides prediction analysis. …
Isabel Trigo provides insight into LSA SAF datasets and its usage.
David Fairbairn presents examples of downloading, converting the format to regular netCDF files and visualizing the data in Python.
Length: 19…