27 February 2004: 00 UTC

Potential Vorticity

Isolines of the potential vorticity (green) show a positive anomaly behind the cloud band of the developing cyclone (seen as the higher values of IR and WV grey shades - orange lines). The value of PV equals 1 is considered to be a measure for stratospheric air. In this case, in the region of the developing cyclone there is an intrusion of stratospheric air, i.e. lowering of the tropopause, down to 550 hPa. The fact that dry air is protruding can also be confirmed by rather low values of WV-signal, in the VCS as the orange thick line, in the region of the anomaly. Besides this upper-level anomaly, there are also rather high values of PV near the ground. According to Hoskins theory, positive anomalies of PV are a good indicator for cyclogenesis.