Meteosat 8 composite: WV6.2-WV7.3; IR9.7-IR10.8; WV6.2i

29th May 2005: 00UTC
In this first airmass image the frontal system over Western Europe is easily picked up. The overrunning jet in the Occlusion part of the front causes these clouds to be identified as mid-level clouds (ochre). More interesting to this case however, is the belt of low pressure systems (see surface analysis 29th May. Low pressure is denoted by the capital ‘T’) found over Central and Eastern Europe. This belt can also be seen in the airmass images as the very dark blue coloured band over Egypt, Tunis, Italy, Austria, Slovenia and Romania, indicating the cold polar airmasses with low tropopause. The cyclonic side of the belt is pictured in purple which gives a good indication on the deepening of stratospheric air at these places. Over Turkey, Greece and Bulgaria more deepening is observed, hence the red and purple colours. The deepening makes the atmosphere conditionally unstable and it is not a surprise that at later stage these will be the areas where most convective development is taking place.

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